Name: Julie Lejard, Sustainable Business Analyst
Company: Pernod Ricard
Connect with Julie Lejard on Twitter and LinkedIn
Which of your company’s sustainability initiatives/achievements are you most proud of?
Our responsible day event called Responsib’ALL Day — our employees stop working for a whole day across the world. During this day in June, they dedicate themselves to sustainability projects developing their communities. I’m proud of it because our employees take so much pride in what they do during this event. It is very unique in that whether you are in senior management, a director or a trainee, you get mixed up in different teams, and the hierarchy isn’t visible anymore. It’s a valuable opportunity for everyone to work together no matter their department or title. Another thing I am proud of is unique to one of our brand companies — Absolut. They have a very circular approach to things, including a carbon-neutral distillery, which is considered leading in this area.
What is your favorite practical insight you have gained from being in BIER?
Although I’ve only joined recently, one thing that has been invaluable is the level of technical expertise that BIER provides for disclosure and transparency – you send us very technical work which we can use. For example, I really enjoyed seeing a comparison of all of the different company members in how they report to different transparency requests from GRI and the SDGs. I can use this to get a better insight on how to sell our new transparency and disclosure strategy.
How has being in BIER shaped your sustainability strategy/enriched your sustainability strategy?
The Disclosure & Transparency working group has helped to enrich our new sustainability strategy and 2030 roadmap through stronger KPI identification and more robust reporting, both of which will be essential to the credibility and steering of the strategy.
Pernod Ricard is launching its new strategy on April 3rd, so stay tuned!
What area(s) of BIER’s work and working group initiatives are you most interested in? Why?
In the Transparency & Disclosure working group, having external stakeholders — to have discussions with CDP is something I quite appreciate. Having other types of stakeholders and companies in our conversations, meetings, and webinars has also proved to be very helpful.
By BIER [crp]